Thursday, September 07, 2006

91 Acres of Technology and Heat.

Just a few things...

We're playing a lot of shows this month. Hopefully a lot of good shows.
I targeted a lot of venues where we know that we can walk away with some money in our pockets for gas, but mostly because we're trying to get our next line of shirts printed up ASAP. They're kind of pricey.
First off, we know our first shirt was a little blah, and then we found out that it was all too similar to another band's design, and they were black and a bit unflattering. Luckily, the next ones will be colorful and interesting. Trust me.

Last night I tuned in to the "Comes Alive" show on WPRK 91.5 where each Wednesday they showcase a local band. We'll be doing this show on Wednesday, September 27th. I listened because I wasn't sure what exactly to expect out of this. They featured a band called "21st Floor" and pretty much all they did was play songs live for about an hour. So in case you missed our last performance on WPRK, you'll get another shot to hear us live in just a few weeks.

Today I brought leftover cherry pie in to work to enjoy at my leisure, and we have no forks.
This sucks.

Tonight we play at The Haven which is literally about a 3 minute drive from our house.

This blog is stupid but I can't stop.

Listening to Limbeck while hopped up on coffee is always a good time.
Except when the songs get all slow and then I have to switch to something that won't put me to sleep.

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