Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Scene Haircuts are stupid... according to people who clearly have scene haircuts.

This weekend was a whirl of shows, driving, and a whole lot of hanging out with friends. Good way to spend a holiday.

Friday night we got off of work, loaded the van as fast as humanly possible and sped (yes, sped) down to Lakeland for our show at Winner's Circle. We were afraid that we would miss load-in due to traffic, but managed to roll into town right at 8pm. We were set to play first, but when we got there, the stage hadn't even been set up, so we ended up having to wait until about 9:30 to play. The crowd itself was definitely not there to see us, and we may as well have played to an empty room. Big thanks to the one fellow who cheered after each song. Glad that one person was paying attention. We stayed for the other bands (MyRage & Madadam) who both played solid sets. They definitely weren't in the same genre, but all good people and very friendly. I like to think we bridge a lot of gaps with our music, but this was a true test to see if we could fit in the the Hard Rock crowd. Turns out that we do better playing alongside Hardcore bands. You live and you learn.

Saturday night saw us in the studios of the local college radio station WPRK 91.5 FM. We did an on-air performance for their annual music marathon (50 bands spread throughout 4 days) and played a 7 song set live on the air. I had a ton of fun doing that, though it was odd not being able to see anyone we performed for. My parents got to listen and had a blast. They've yet to actually see us live (aside from live footage) so it was nice having my parents hear the crazy noise that their son ran off to Orlando to make. Amanda was kind enough to listen and tape it off the radio, so I got to hear it just hours after it aired. I thought we rocked. Thanks to any of our friends/fans who also tuned in. Hope you got to hear everything you wanted to.

Sunday was Relaxation Day. I spent most of it in bed drinking coffee.

Yesterday Doug hosted a Labor Day BBQ at the house, so around 2pm the place filled up with mostly complete strangers. There were burgers, a kiddie pool, and a homemade Slip N'Slide. Our friend Jason stepped on a rusty nail while running to slide and bled everywhere. Nothing a little Duct Tape couldn't fix. I didn't stick around too long, but it was good seeing familiar faces, including Chris, Jordan, and Jeremy from the band Rory.

Today, it was back to work. Thursday we rock the Haven with Snafu and Mysterioso. It's going to be another one of those nights where we try to fit in with a different genre. Both bands are solid and I'm looking forward to the show.

September is looking crazy-busy.
7 shows and 2 radio spots? Yeah, let the good times roll.

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